Julianne Moore’s home ♥ Къщата на Джулиън Муур
Maybe you already know how much I love to spy on people’s homes or offices.. and if you are here maybe you like it too. :)
It’s not a secret that one of my favorite TV show is MTV Cribs where celebrities open their doors for us and show their homes. Sometimes I don’t like the interiors that much as they are too overburdened for my taste, but nevertheless I still watch this show.
There is an actress that definitely has a style. The American actress Julianne Moore (The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Far From Heaven, The Hours) decorated her West Village Townhouse in New York by herself and I can say that she has excellent taste for interior design besides her acting talent.
Сигурно знаете как обичам да надничам из чуждите къщи и офиси, а щом сте тук сигурно и вие го правите :)
Няма да скрия, че едно от любимите ми предавания е MTV Cribs, където известни изпълнители, актьори и спортисти разхождат зрителите из своите домове. Често пъти те са твърде претрупани за моя вкус, но въпреки това продължавам да следя предаването.
Една актриса обаче определено има вкус и стил. Американската актриса Джулиън Мур “Часовете”, “Джурасик парк” и др. сама декорира своят дом в West Village Townhouse в Ню Йорк.

She is one of my favorite actresses, and of course her home is incredible. Thanks for sharing!
This is beautiful, I love her choices in paint colors. I wish she would share!
I like her bedroom the best. Thanks for your kind comment and support, Raru. Have a very Happy New Year!
Her bathroom is gorgeous! Love that shade of grey on the walls.
Beautiful home! I love the gray walls.