Знаете ли какво, хайде да зарежем всичко и да празнуваме. Аз например днес имам повод. Преминах първата част от теста за шофьорска книжка. Листовките. Цяла седмица стресирано се занимавах с въпроси от рода, на колко животни можеш да вкараш в пикап и как легално да ги превозиш. И сега ми е време да празнувам. Ах, да… казах ли ви, че съм на път с това да счупя отколешната семейна традиция и да бъда първата жена-шофьор в старата си фамилия. Йей!
Така че аз това ще си го отпразнувам и вие можете също. Ако не ви се празнува по моя повод – намерете си ваш – идването на уикенда, новия ден, нощта, звездите, приятелите. Просто празнувайте нещо, защото живота е толкова кратък.
Congratulations on passing your drivers license! I remember the day I passed mine too and it felt great! :D and you as always, have some great pictures!
xo, Colet @ http:///
I'm 40 and still don't have mine, I wish I had your courage… It takes too much money and time here in France before to get to the last exam. You can be very proud and dance, it's a very good step ! Congratulations !
I'd love to come and celebrate with you. I started driving again this year after a 13-years break … which is sort of getting the driver license again but with no exam ;-) Congratulations Radostina xx
thank you Colet. thank you for stopping by. :)
Hello Helene. I never need to drive while I was in Europe by the way. But in US the public transport is not so organized and good so I had to do it. And you know what… I'm pretty sure that you can do it too, just have to decided that you want it and this probably will be enough motivation for you.
wow, really. this is also a big step too, ilaria. drink for that :D
Congratulations! :)) I can very much relate to this happiness since I got my driving license only one month ago :) Good luck with the second part! xo
Congratulations on passing the first part of the license, now the second part of the license. Very nice pictures, very nice. Good contribution.