Мдам, измина доста време откакто за последно се навъртах тук.
Истината е, че нещата около мен се завъртяха страшно бързо и аз се загубих някъде там. И как да бъда вдъхновение за вас, след като самата аз не намирах достатъчно красота за себе си. Би било предателство да ви лъжа, само за да поддържам този блог жив. Затова и стоях настрана от всички тези неща, социални медии и пр. (освен може би инстаграм) и се опитвах простичко да си наредя приоритетите. Може би тук е момента да благодаря на Дарик радио за инициативата да събере на едно място най-влиятелните българи в интернет и а включат и мен в категорията Инстаграм.
И днес се завръщам. По-уверена, защото си признавам, че съм просто един идеалист, който вярва в красивите неща и иска да ги създава. Не заради някой друг, а преди всичко заради себе си. Наздраве за това.
Yeah, welcome back! I was looking at your blog every now & then because you DO inspire me a lot. I’m glad you found the confidence to continue your beautiful blog. I can’t wait for your next updates. Sending you lots of sunshine x
Oh, hi Uli.
Thank you so much for believing in me and my place :) I’m planning some changes and surprises and I really hope you will like it.
Keep up the great work you do baby!!! Rock & roll!
haha, Veru!!!
To je Velke prekvapeni. Dekuju!!!!
Yeah! :) Wonderful ♥ Greetings from Poland !
Thank you Kamila,
Poland has to be very pretty during this time of the year!
I’ve always liked your blog!
It’s different and lovely.
You do you and you never need to apologize!
Thank you, Cheryl!
Welcome back!!! Greeting from hot Athens!!
Wow! It was a long time! but every day I was on 79ideas and waiting patiently … and finally! :) you are! :) have a nice weekend and please… write something next week ;)
You are so sweet Aleksandra. Thank you :) The new posts are coming :)
Хей, Радостина, толкова дълго ни лиши от присъствието си. С удоволствие се наслаждавам на твоя блог и се радвам, че се върна отново тук! Продължавай да ни вдъхновяваш! Успех!
Благодаря ти. Искрено!
Good to have you back, really missed your blog. Welcome back!
I have never written back on any website I’ve visited. Yours has such a sweet and soft tone that I have actually missed it. Kept checking and here you are – back! Wonderful!
Welcome back! Yeah, cheers to you, it’s good to have around idealist people who believes in the beautiful things and wants to create them.
Happy you are back =)
Beautiful picture, just you!
Happy you are back! I always appreciated how genuinely and down to earth you are. We all go through moments that set us back — sometimes for days, sometimes for months, and even years. The act sharing, connects us with each other and show how strong and humanly beautiful we are.
Keep writing (and taking photos, and creating!).
Lovely to have you and your world back! I will be looking forward to your thoughts, images, ideas, colors and words.
Welcome back dear!!! your posts are amazing and I love your inspirational blog! big kiss!
♥ I’ve been following your blog for years!
I love your vision of life and your blog is like a shelter for me, in good times and bad times. ♥
really a great blog