Зная, че мъничко позакъснях с линковете за уикенда, защото той почти свърши в Европа. Но се заплеснах. Исках много да
Зная, че мъничко позакъснях с линковете за уикенда, защото той почти свърши в Европа. Но се заплеснах. Исках много да
I’m always happy to browse the new home-ware catalogue by French Connection. I found there some pretty amazing stuff and
Hello there, How is your day going? I decided today to stay away from the daily routine of showing beautiful
Last week for the first time this year we mentioned some of the new ideas for the autumn and I
Sometimes I think that I can’t get enough white. This color has a magical power to make everything more beautiful.
Today let’s paint everything in black and white and go north towards a small town near Stockholm. Here works, creates
Have you heard the name of the jewelry designer Anna Ławska? Today I accidentally came across her work and guess
признавам си, тотално съм влюбена в обеците от розово злато. харесвам този тип бижута мънички и в геометрични форми. one
In this Sunny Friday afternoon I just can’t thing about anything else but an ice cream. And Herriott Grace inspired