Floral art
To see that so many creative people exist around the world is something that makes me happy.Today I saw the amazing work of the Belgian flower designer Geert Pattyn, who didn’t hesitated to mix flowers, fruits and vegetables and his bouquets are really full of fresh ideas.
I think that in this case, for this beauty and unique art any more words are not needed.
Много се радвам, че има толкова креативни хора по света. Днес в полезрението ми попадна работата на белгийския дизайнер на цветя Geert Pattyn, който без притеснение комбинира цветя, плодове и зеленчуци и нещата му наистина са идейни.
Мисля си обаче, че за тази красота и оригиналност… думите са просто излишни.
{via: Cote Maison}
Oh wow fantastic! Love these!
Those are beautiful! Whoever made them has great talent!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets
These are pure artworks! Amazing creations, perfect!