Project: Easter egg ♥ Проект: Великденско яйце
Finally I finished my Project: Easter eggs. According to me it didn’t went that bad, except the real tragedy that happened to almost all of my eggs: almost all of them were injured when I boiled them. And this situation for all Orthodox Christians is equal to a real tragedy.
I will tell you why. What we do on Easter is we organize a real tournaments with eggs. Everyone chooses an eggs, holds it in hand and hits the egg of the opponent. Then they turn the eggs with their other sides and crash them again one another. The one with the more broken egg is the loser and the other one is winner and will be more healthy during the year, as their egg was stronger.
So with my broken eggs I doubt I will be healthy during the year, but at least the preparation was fun.
I would love to understand what is your tradition on Easter?
Най-накрая и аз успях да направя своя проект: Великденски яйца. Според мен се получи сравнително добре… единственото нещастие, което ме сполетя е, че почти всички яйца се напукаха още при варенето, а това за ортодоксалните християни си е жива трагедия.
Сега ще ви обясня защо. При източното православие на Великден ние си организираме малки войни с яйца. Играе се всеки срещу всеки, а принципа е много простичък. Всеки избира едно яйце и в директен сблъсък се определя победителя. Този, чието яйце остане здраво накрая… ще бъде най-здрав през годината.
С тези начупени предварително яйца, май аз няма да съм най-здравата. Въпреки това определено беше забавно.
Вие имате ли си някакъв обичай свързан с Великден? Ще ми е много интересно да науча.
These photos are absolutely gorgeous! Happy Easter to you!
These are the cutest and prettiest Easter eggs I've ever seen!! Love every single one of them :)
Happy Easter!!! Hijiri
Хубави цветове и много хубави снимки са се получили, Рару! Моите дори нямам желание да ги снимамвече боядисани. Жалко, че са се начупили!
При мен нито едно не се счупи, но за сметка на това нито боите, нито техниките ми вървяха.
Raru! Those are so beautiful! Did you make (and style) all those eggs? Just wonderful!
I spent the day with family friends and new babies. We ate lots of food and because it was wonderful weather we sat outside on the back porch and hid easter eggs, over & over! My husband is the best hider as it took us forever to find his last egg!
Great ideas, thanks for sharing them! We loved it so much we’ve put a link to it on our blog along with a few other Easter-eggs related items, in case you want to have a look :). Thanks again and Happy Easter!!