Letterbox Love ♥ Любов по пощата
Oh how cute are these wonderful postcards by the designer Holly Webber. ‘Letterbox Love’ is a lovely collection of postcards – simple way to just say ‘hello’ to a friend or a loved one (without the use of technology!).
О, колко симпатични са тези картички на дизайнерката Холи Вебер. ‘Letterbox Love’ е чудна колекция от картички, които дават възможност по семпъл начин просто да поздравиш приятелите си, без да използваш технологиите.
{ images: holly webber via: eat drink chic}
so lovely postals :)
beautiful !
Those postcards are perfect! The hot air balloon is absolutely my favorite.
xo katie elizabeth
Hello Radostina,
I wanted to tell you thta I am a big fan of your blog and I made a post about your pretty space here, kisses!