New Ideas For the Home by “Home & Cottage” ♥ Нови идеи за дома от “Home & Cottage”
With the cold weather already here I started to look more and more at the north part of Europe. I think that all Scandinavians are experts in creating winter coziness and charm.
Yesterday we enjoyed the fantastic catalogue of the Dutch company “Bolia” and today I am presenting you the Norwegian “Home & Cottage”. Their catalogue is gorgeous and it includes not only furniture but also accessories and objects for decoration. Their lamps are wonderful and here you can see the 5 things that I would love to have in my home. Would you like to have some of them too?
С настъпването на студените дни аз специално все повече и повече обръщам поглед към северната част на Европа. Мисля си, че всички в Скандинавия са специалисти по създаването на зимен уют и чар.
Вчера се радвахме на фантастичния каталог на датската “Болиа”, а днес ви предлагам норвежката “Home & Cottage”. Каталога им е чудесен и включва както мебели, така и аксесоари и предмети за декорация. Лампите им са просто страхотни, а тук можете да видите и подбрани от мен 5 предмета, които с удоволствие бих притежавала у дома.
{ images: home & cottage }
Love Scandinavian style!!! Beautiful choice! Best regards, dear Radostina. Annie
I love it!
I love the visual drama. Thanks for sharing this. I always appreciate your blog!
Hello there, what a pleasure to find your blog. It is such a candy for my eyes and it definetly made my day! :-)
Beuatiful pics, beutiful ideas and thanks for sharing them all with us!
Lots of love,
Lidice :-)
That last picture is fabulous!!
And guess what! I am having a give-away these days were you can win the book from H&C;!They receintly released a beautiful interior book…you are welcome to enter:)
There's only one Catch…I don't have a translator,so I have to tell you that to enter I am asking for good ideas on men presents…I always have problems with Them…never know what to give Them:)
The first picture made me want to go back to bed. Lovely!
prosto krasivo…
oh gosh! I love those arm chairs in the last picture too! I looked in the magazine for more info about them, but I can't understand it ;) Do you happen to know any more info about them? (who makes them?) Thanks.
What a pleasure to find your blog. It is such a candy for my eyes and it definetly made my day!