White Perfection ♥ Перфектно бяло
I know that maybe it became too white around here recently, but I really like this color. I found it perfect for every home and I have to admit that these white chairs took my breath away. That’s why I didn’t think much if I should show you those pretty pictures or not.
The place is actually a former garage and it is another example of a incredible transformation to a cozy and really beautiful home.
Зная че напоследък тук стана много бяло, но аз май напоследък съм на такава вълна. Намирам този цвят за перфектен по отношение на дома, а тези столове буквално – фантастични.
Затова и нямаше дълго чудене дали да ви покажа този дом или не. Мястото всъщност е бивш гараж и е още един прекрасен и нагледен пример за трансформация към уютен и красив дом.
{ images: interior magasinet }
I do like white :) great pictures.
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
whenever I like the floor cushions. Are wonderful. You have a fan from Spain. Muak
White is my favourite colour!!!
It is my blog bday today and I have a giveaway if you are interested!
Love, Eliana
Does anyone live here?! I can't imagine it can stay white with kids around….. But it's beautiful * Greta