Minimalistic house in Texas ♥ Минималистична къща в Тексас
Even by the title you can guess that we’ll have an interesting combination here. Actually the house is a work of Barbara Hill Design and is really impressive not only with the clean lines but somehow everything here has been kept natural. No paint on the walls, only wood and metal all over. Exceptionally beautiful isn’t it?
От заглавието става ясно, че ще имаме доста интересна комбинация тук. Всъщност къщата е дело на Барбара Хил Дизайн и наистина е много впечатляваща и то не само с изчистените си линии, някак всичко тук е запазено естествено – по стените няма боя, дърво и метал. Изключително красиво, нали?
{ images: Barbara Hill Design via: Desire To Inspire }
I personally don't like minimalistic houses, they kinda layk of warmth… don't you think? but, it looks sophisticated… :)
Beautiful mix!
Oh I kind of like this, esp since it's in Texas. Great find!
I have to agree with Miss Betty…it's beautiful, but it looks a little cold to be completely comfortable and livable.
love that clean white bedroom!
Wow, I love all the white! The bedroom is so clean & fresh, and I love the look of that bath. Very luxurious. x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
The white is so pure and clear looking! I really like it :)
I was wondering what's the purpose of that table against the wall, as if those who sit are punished to face the wall and that bland panel instead of the opposite wall, which is more interesting. Weird, but my lack of sophistication brings forth the practical sense. Perhaps the people seated at the table are supposed to embark in some kind of meditative journey while masticating the food. Perhaps facing the wall with kitchen paraphernalia was not considered appropriate. What should I know?