Dream With Me: Villa in Greece ♥ Помечтайте с мен: вила в Гърция
The summer is my favorite time to search for vacation houses with breathtaking views and interesting interior. And probably because like many of you I can’t travel as much as I want, because of my work, this is my way to dream and to be inspired. This time the inspiration comes from the Greek Island Mykonos, where this villa is located. Traditionally it keeps my favorite combination of painted in white stone walls and wooden furniture and details.
Лятото е най-любимото ми време за търсене на ваканционни къщи, със страхотни гледки и интересен интериор. И тъй като работата на много от нас не ни позволява да пътуваме непрекъснато, то това е начина за мен да се вдъхновявам и помечтая. Този път вдъхновението идва от гръцкия остров Микинос, където се намира тази прекрасна вила. Традиционно тя запазва любимата ми комбинация между бял камък и дърво.
{ images: lefigaro }
Hi Darling! How are you??!! Sorry for my absense, Radostina but since I started running my own online shopping, my life turned up side down! It´s always amazing to be here. You know, I read all of your posts every single day, because I use Google Reader, but it´s good to visit you! Kisses and hugs from Sao Paulo – Brazil
Oh MY this place is amazing Radostina, Have a great Monday,
It looks incredible. I wish I were there. :)
OMG…It's fab! I'll now be depressed for the rest of the week, closed in my office… :(
This place is amazing! And look at that gorgeous pool.
The name of the island is Mykonos!
Love from Greece