Festive Table Decoration // Празнична украса за масата
If you are looking for inspiration on how to arrange your festive table, I think you will like the work of a very talented team Line Klein and the stylist Camilla Larsson. They’ve captured their simple and inspired by nature idea.
Ако търсите инспирация за това как да подредите празнична трапеза, предполагам че ще ви хареса много работата на страхотния екип Line Klein и стилистката Camilla Larsson. те са заснели своята семпла и вдъхновена от природата идея.
images: line klein
Table decoration is my passion! Your photos are very inspiring!:-)
How pretty and simple! Love the lil deer!
Ergo – Blog
Did you enjoy London, photos on your blog?,,,,,yessssssss
Gorgeous! Hope you're having a wonderful week, Radostina!
Your pictures are so beautiful and the decorations are uncommon. Most of the times table decorations impress me a lot.
Whoa!! these are so beautifully decorated, i wish i could get one for Christmas gift.