Pastel Spring Mood // Пролетно пастелно настроение
It seems that the winter is not hurrying to go away at all, because this morning again everything is covered with snow here in Prague. And because I really would like the spring to come already, I guess you too so this great photoshoot will bring a very warm feeling and will make all of us to dream about it. This is a great job by the stylist Lo Bjurulf and photographer Petra Bindel for the magazine Elle Interiör. They prepared this pastel fairy photoshoot with the idea to inspire us about the upcoming spring.
Изглежда зимата никак не бърза да си отива, защото днес отново всичко е покрито със сняг тук в Прага. И тъй като на мен вече много ми се иска пролетта да е тук, а предполагам и на вас – ето една страхотна фотосесия, която вярвам ще ви донесе много топло усещане. Чудесна е работата на стилиста Lo Bjurulf и фотографката Petra Bindel за списание Elle Interiör, които са подготвили тази пастелна приказна фотосесия с идеята да ни вдъхновят за пролетта.
images: petra bindel styling: lo bjurulf
Nice pictures
LG Grace
so beautiful. it's still boiling hot here in Sydney. We are actually looking forward to it cooling down a little!
hope your Spring arrives soon.
Fiona xx
Thank you Fiona :) You are waiting for the Autumn in Australia, right ? I hope you will have a beautiful one :)
Hugs from snowy Prague,
L'albero appenditutto che idea!! Ci starebbero bene anche i miei cappellini ciaoooooooooo
Preciosísimos estilismos.
Me encanta esta fotógrafa.
As original!
If I was a room, this is what I would look like.
This is absolutely beautiful, it makes me look forward to the warm weather and spring breeze!
the clothes tree is such a nice idea
I am loving Pastels after viewing this POST!
Thanks for sharing…I am inspired!!!!!
Wow i love these interior designs
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Xo maschalina
I do the same thing. But a lot of times I look at my photos because sometimes the photos tell me more. If the photos make me go “EH” then I start switching and tweaking, I think I drive my family crazy!