the december catalogue by “toast” includes some warm and beautiful products. the vision for this cold month includes products in natural colors with simple design and perfectly in line with the idea of warm winter house with wood and a fireplace. in my small collection you can see few of the new toast products that i really like.
декемврийския каталог на toast включва някой много “топли” и красиви продукти. визията за този студен месец включва продукти в натурални цветове с изчистен дизайн и чудесно пасващи на идеята за топла зимна къща от дърво и с камина. в моята малка колекция можете да видите някой от новите продукти на фирмата, които аз най-много харесвам.
photography: toast
Thank you very much for these pictures. they totally match my soul state and reflect all my dreams right now.
This is the perfect condition: mountain house + love + cozy things everywhere <3
That last image with the wood is stunning! I love it! http://QueenofDeTile.com
That wallpaper is incredible….