i just discovered the photographic portfolio of christophe jacrot. it is all dedicated to the seasons in the big cities like new york, paris, boston, tokyo and others and has some amazing pictures. check out yourself.
днес открих фотографското портфолио на christophe jacrot. цялото е посветено на сезоните в големите градове като ню йорк, париж, бостън, токио и пр. и има някой наистина страхотни снимки. уверете се сами.
photography: christophe jacrot
Lovely photos! I rarely ever see changes in seasons… I live in a desert "/ I look forward to your future posts ; D
<3 Carsla
Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
A stylist's, foodie's, & writer's blog in development.
Oh, so dreamy! I wish it snowed in Heraklion too ^^
This looks so beautiful but def cold ass hell…hahaha
Lovely photos:)
I'm following your blog so beautiful
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Dreadful weather is only pretty in pictures. :) That last one is nice though.