Когато преди пет години създадох този блог, концептът на 79ideas беше, да бъде моята папка с вдъхновения. Бях толкова щастлива, да ви показвам работата на хора, които ме инспирираха – стилисти, фотографи, дизайнери. Много от вас споделяха моята страст и се превърнаха в лоялни читатели на блога. И така години наред. След това обаче нещата се промениха. В ерата на Пинтерест, Инстаграм и Tumblr, мисля си, че вече няма смисъл от този тип блогване и това е съвсем нормално. Нещата се променят и е време и за мен да насоча някъде другаде тази своя енергия. Това, което се цени сега е оригинално съдържание, креативни идеи и дори лични преживявания.
Преди година, концепция като тази би била абсолютно табу за мен. Но от месеци наред забелязах, че вече не ми е забавно да пиша “вдъхновяващи” постове. Иска ми се нещо оригинално и различно. Това, което смятам да правя занапред с това местенце е да дискутирам с вас повече, да споделям повече от моите лични и професионални проекти, дизайн идеи и дори да включа частичка от личния си живот. След много дискусии с приятели мисля, че най-накрая съм готова да престана да се срамувам, да споделям повече от моята лична перспектива, да си говорим за книги, за инстаграм, за личен опит и преживелици… и дори да ви се показвам отвреме навреме – да, това съм аз със съботното си кафе.
Вие имате ли блог? Каква част от себе си разкривате в него?
(И още нещичко, което отдавна искам да ви напиша. Бих искала да се извиня, за правописните грешки на български. Старая се да пиша правилно, но начинът на живот и ограниченото лично общуване на български вече повече от десетилетие, си вземат своя дан.)
photography: radostina
I am also a lifestyle blogger and after trying so many different things finally decided to just write about the things that are interesting to me. I am concentrating on building a blog following rather building a social network of followers. You will see that one you share more of yourself more people will actually log on to visit and comment on your blog.
Hi Enzie,
and welcome to my blog. I guess that you are new here. :)
The idea is that I want to change something, because I feel uninspired and trying new things maybe will bring back again my blogging mojo :)
Happy Sunday to you.
Hi there – I have only just started out as a blogger and I know what you mean, I feel a little embarrassed about the things that I sometimes write about, especially when it relates to myself and my family. My closest friends are not bloggers nor do they read blogs so they all think I am abit bonkers I think. xoxo Go for it anyway!
First and foremost, I absolutely adore your blog! Everything you post is so inspirational. I too feel strange when it comes to being personal, but it’s something I’m working on, and I’m so happy you are too! Here’s to being real! xx
Jodi Duncan
The Balanced Traveler
Hello Jodi,
You are so sweet. Thank you for your kind words. For me every single reader is important. Some of them, like you, who send me emails and comments, became so close to me, that I want to share with them thoughts about books, ideas and even my own experience. We became like real friends. I think that to share more personal things on the blog is a way how to extend this interesting conversations and involve even more and more people.
A year ago I was very shy to do that, but I think that now I’m ready. I hope that you are ready too.
How lovely to see you! I think it’s the blogger’s personality that really makes the content meaningful for me and so I would love to read about your projects, photography etc. I have a lifestyle blog + magazine and I feel that writing about and doing what feels right to you is the best way forward. Good luck!
Hey Priya and welcome.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with me. You said that you have a lifestyle blog and a magazine (wow) I would like to know how much of your personal life you are showing there?
Haha, not as much as I would like to! I write Once Upon A Tea Time and while a lot of my life and its ups and downs creep into the blog, I am still not completely comfortable putting myself out there- it’s a work in progress. :)
Oh, yes… I can say that I know how you feel. I think that you don’t have to try so hard, everything has to be natural… and when the moment come – you will understand :) and will feel more comfortable with all that. :)
And all this process … isn’t it interesting and exciting?
Yes, it is! I think if you blog for yourself and in they style you want to, you will have gained a lifetime friendship :) and your joy and interest will draw like-minded readers.
Oh, then nice to meet You! ;)
I’ve just started my own blog and yes – try to avoid it being too personal. I’m sharing almost no faces, just things. So far.
Nice to meet you too, Lesia :)
I think the most important thing here is to feel comfortable – if you don’t want to share too much personal things on your blog – just don’t :). Happy Sunday.
Hi, I know exactly how you feel. I write two blogs one interior design and lifestyle and another one about our life. As me and my husband are always wandering around the world we started writing loveinsakuratime.blogspot.com when we were living in Japan, for family and friends. I would like to mix both but it still quiet difficult hopefully soon I will figure out what to do. Thank you for your beautiful blog and great inspiration.
Hey Lia,
I understand your situation. In my portfolio I had there a blog, dedicated to my photography work. I had hard time to separate the posts between here and in my portfolio blog. The solution for me came very naturally – I just turn the portfolio blog in news and now I no longer deal with two blogs and separate my energy. So my advice is to wait till the decision come naturally :)
Yes, yes, yes.. Hearing about you is so much more interesting and inspiring. It’s real….so much of what we see on instagram is a photoshoot. To prove his, one of the most inspirational sites is Lotta Agaton’s own site where she shows us her work and projects.
I believe you are talented enough to gain interest in your own work, and i bet you are also cool enough to interest us in your life.
So i say, Go For It…
Best of luck,
Thank you Sarah. Thank you for sharing with me your opinion. Seriously, you probably don’t know how much important is for me. And yes, Lotta Agaton is a big inspiration for all of us.
Beautifull decision Radu, I can’t wait for more!
Ahoj mila Veru, dekuju ty za komentar.
Doufam ze se vsechny mate dobre, zdravy a stastny.
You know, it’s true! All the blogs I still read are ones that not only feature a collection of beautiful interiors, but include the blogger’s own “voice”, their personality, tidbits about their life… I sort of dropped off all the others because they felt impersonal and boring. You do want to “know” to some extent the person behind the blog, o at least that there’s some human mind to interact with behind the blog.
I have to admit I really struggle with my blog as well. It’s an online presence for my business, so do I inject myself into it? Add a bit of my personal life, my passions, or is it inappropriate? I mean, would people looking for papercuts be interested in my passion for interior design and beauty products? Probably not! I was just thinking I need to find a way to section off the blog so I could post personal things on there but they’ll only be viewable to readers who are interested, and not casual potential clients.
*sigh* This is hard.
I think that you don’t have to be worried to share with your readers/clients more of your own personality. Maybe the beauty products are not the best fit, but here and there you readers will be happy to read some new trends about the interior design. Maybe you can try to experiment with one post and to see how will go. And then you can decide. :)
First of all: Beautiful photos, I love both very much! I’m following you for a little time now and I’m so curious how your blog will change :)
I had a personal blog for two years as well, but now I changed it and started a DIY- and sustainable environment blog. But I think some personal posts in between are great, so I wouldn’t be afraid :)
All the best,
Hello Diana,
Thank you for taking the time and leave me a comment.
Comparing with your old blog, are you more happy now writing a DIY blog? How much of your own personality you share with your readers?
My new blog is really really new, just a month old. But I’m feeling better. Why? Because of some kind of strange reason I kept my old blog a secret from most of the people around me. I had two years of blogging experience without people knowing it (except my really really close friends, but not even my family!). That changed now and I love it. Probably it is because of the content, there is nothing anymore to be “embarrassed” about. When I posted outfits and so on I didn’t want people I know to see it. But don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t because of some personal posts at all, just because of this taking-photos-of-yourself-very-often thing.
Well, I think I have to stop talking. I hope you understand what I mean ;)
All the best,
Hello !
I love this new direction you’re taking with your blog ! I agree with you that with all the new media (Pinterest, instagram..) we, blog readers, are craving for more original content and good reads ! I’m really looking forward to your new blog posts.
All the best.
Thank you, dear Charlotte, for the support. You are so kind.
When I finally jumped in & started my blog, my friends said, to be myself & write. Needless to say that it’s almost a year since I started my blog & I only have one post & the “about me” section done. I became so afraid to write about me that I literally paralyzed my journey. But reading that you were also afraid & did it anyway is inspiring. Thank you for sharing this.
Oh, dear Atelynn, you don’t have to be so afraid to post. I’m pretty sure the blog will be good – but you just have to take that first step. First time will be difficult but after ten posts I’m sure it will be much easier. You know that one of the most important things in the blog is consistency.
Courage, dear friend!
Thank you so much! I’m doing it :)
Hello, I have been following your blog for a little while and I welcome the change. You’re right, with so many inspirational pictures everywhere now, our blogs have to be slighlty different. Mine is all about knitting and yarn, with a bit of fashion included. So I try to mix my pictures (and I need to improve in that area) and pictures of things I love. I don’t like to show my face (I am not really photogenic) but I am getting a bit more personal than when I first started.
I’m looking forward to reading more about your ideas and pictures and get to know you better.
Здравей, Радостина! Позволявам си да пиша на български, тренировка малко :)
Четях 79ideas последните 2 години, но още повече следях снимките във фейсбук страницата му – прекрасни!
Скоро си направих блог и все едно прочетох себе си в горния пост – не мога да си представя да кача снимка на спалнята си или дори на къщата ми отвън в интернет пространството. Срамежлива или предпазлива, и аз не знам. Блогът съм го писала като Lifestyle, но е смесица между пътувания, рецепти, чужди вдъхновения и мода.
Прекрасно те разбирам и ти желая успех (и удовлетворение) във вечно променящата се онлайн среда.
Блоговете са голяма зарибявка – почнеш ли и няма спиране…:)
Ех, Ани, привет. Добре, че ми написа… тъкмо бях започнала да се чудя … има ли изобщо смисъл да пиша на български постове и да се излагам с правописа си, след като наоколо нито едно българче не се обади :).
Благодаря ти, за отделеното време. Аз мисля, че всичките ни притеснения се дължат на срамежливостта ни. Но нея можем да тренираме, с малки стъпки и упорство. Продължавай напред. Блоговете наистина са забавни и ако си постоянна се превръщат в мъничка част от живота ни. Нещо като малко кътче само за нас – далече от ежедневни битовизми и глупости.
Пожелавам ти много успехи!
Благодаря! Да ти се връща :)
Много е хубав новият дизайн и не се отказвай от българския :) моля те :)
I write a food blog but still try to share personal stories as this helps to reveal who I am and my passions not only the mere recipes. So that the reader gets closer to me.
And I really love your blog. Even when you were sharing the inspirational images your personality was still felt behind them. But it’s great that your posts will become more personal cause I’m sure you have your own story to tell us. Good luck and best regards from Ukraine.
Hey Aleksandra,
Thank you for taking the time and leave me a comment, to share your experience and for your kind words. Sending love to Ukraine.
Hello Radostina,
I follow your blog since a year or so and I find it great to learn a bit more about you! I share your tastes for decoration and photography and I am a blogger too: I think being more personal makes every blog different. Otherwise, we all would post the same…
Be yourself, you can’t be anyone else!
” I think being more personal makes every blog different” – I think that you just can’t say it better. Thank you, for the support. Much love in 2015.
Nice! This will be fun. Can’t wait to see what you share and so nice to see your face!
well I’m not even sure which blogs I have, or how to categorize them. I guess my main one ends up being lifestyle and all randomness, but it’s all about things I like, my own thoughts, words and my own life experiences. I’m not afraid of sharing what I feel in writing, not so sure about sharing my face in pictures in the blog, maybe it’s something I will change. I like to think that I can create a name, an image and people can almost create an idea of the person behind the blog without ever seeing it.
Hi Lilly,
It is so good that you aren’t afraid of sharing what you feel and experience in your blog. I really respect that. I’m a shy person and I think this is what stopped me to write more personal posts here. So this post was a big challenge for me and I’m happy I did it. Thank you for support and good luck.
Hi! I love your style and I think it’s great that you’re going to be showing more of your own personal favorite things. It makes the blog even more special. I always look forward to your posts. I hope one day I’ll get to together and make a blog. My daughter says she will help me. :)
Ohh, Priscilla. You are so sweet.
Don’t be afraid to try to blog. I think blogging is a great way to stay creative and to do something little every day. Good luck. :)
Hi! I love your style, and I think it’s great that you’re going to be showing more of your own personal favorite things. It makes the blog even more special. I always look forward to your posts. I hope one day I’ll get it together and make a blog of my own. My daughter says she will help me. :)
So nice to meet you! I love getting to know bloggers who’s style I love through personal posts. On my blog I try to include a personal story in every post but once every few months post a ‘life lately’ to share what we’ve been up to. I like that it has become a virtual scrapbook of our life.
I can’t wait to learn more about you and see more of your personal photography projects- I’m excited for the change!
Hi Colleen,
Nice to meet you too. Good for you that you find a working formula for your blog how to share your own personal world with your readers. Now after all this comment I realize how important this actually is.
Thank you and the other readers for teaching me that.
Dear Radostina,
I am following your blog since quite a while. There are a lot of “insperational” blogs out there about decoration, styling, interior design etc. but it is not so easy to find truly good ones. I found yours to be very appealing and always worthwhile to read and get myself inspired. You always chose very beautiful pictures. If you will go on like this with the new “subject” I am sure it will be very good too. Good luck! I am already curiously waiting :-)
Dear Radostina :)
I wold never say your blog was just about showing something created by others. Your sensivity and ascetics shine through whatever you show or say. I love your photography and I always considered you a creator, not just curator :) Anyway….I agree blogging world involves. I also decided to strat a new blog from a scratch because old one was not encouraging my development anymore. So…wishing you a lot of new beautiful ideas. I am sure whatever you create will be outstanding :)
Hi Anna,
Oh, your words … just make my day. :) Thank you for that.
And good luck with your new place. I think that as a human being challenges and changes are good things that push us forward. I’m pretty sure your new place will be better and more beautiful than the old one.
Имам си лично местенце, да и много си го обичам. Това не ми пречи обаче да надниквам всекидневно при теб ☺С течение на времето и аз излизам малко по малко от сянката на анонимността и разкривам все повече от своя свят. Успех в новото начинание, винаги е удоволствие да те посетя.
Привет Нина и благодаря, че ми отдели време. Значи и ти постепенно излизаш от “анонимност” като мен. Успех с разкриването на “твоя свят”, сигурна съм, че е прекрасен.
Поздрави и хубав ден.
So interesting to read all the comments. For me it’s all in the mix. Sometimes I don’t want to hear about the author’s life but just see what inspires them. Other times it’s nice to see and hear what they got up to at the weekend.
I think with Instagram you also have the opportunity to share more personal shots though I still shy away from selfies and I can totally see how hard it must have been for you to press publish on the beautiful (!) shot of yourself above.
I think Jennifer Hagler from amerrrymishapblog has a nice mix and it feels very genuine. I’m sure you’ll find your own mix and I’ll keep following you whatever. XO
Nice to meet you :-)
I am thinking about that “Blog-Thing” too…sometimes – or most of the time, I don´t find the time to read all the beautiful Blogs I know…and I miss the time to post daily. but at the other Hand I don’t have very much Readers I think, and more and more I am thinking about to Close the doors of my blog. I also spend a lot time with Instagram and I also do a lot more with photography and creating collages, so it would be cool to have a place to present this. I am still a bit shy I think…Funny – now when I have read your words, I have to think a bit more about what I will do in the future….
So thank you for this Inspiration ;o)
Hey, Radostina
I just want to say I love your blog from content to layout and design to everything else. It`s been more than a year since I`ve discovered it and it has been my go to blog for references. I don`t often comment, even though as an aspiring blogger I should do it more often, but I just want to welcome your decision to go for a more personal approach. I think it`s so amazing when creative, beautiful people share their own ideas and projects! Thank you and that`s it!
Have a beautiful day!
Miruna :)
Здравей! Изключително ми е интересно да следя блога ти, но никога не съм си позволявала да пиша коментар! Дали е срамежливост, дали е нещо друго, не знам! Харесва ми какви решения си взела и чакам с нетърпение следващите публикации! Този блог наистина е вдъхновяващ!
П.С.: Видях в един от коментарите, че пишеш на чешки! Страхотно!
Привет, Станислава. Благодаря ти за коментара и се надявам, че причината да ти е първия не е нещо в мен :)
И на мен ми е много любопитно занапред как ще се развиват нещата с блога, защото за пръв път си позволявам така да експериментирам. Признавам обаче, че се чувствам страхотно.
П.С. Много си наблюдателна. Близо едно десетилетие прекарах в Чехия, а много харесвам и Братислава :)
Love your blog, keep up the good work <3
Wow! Such an interesting subject and such an interesting discussion. I have just started a new blog after not blogging for several years and I am consciously trying not to feel tied to a social media personae. I am consciously trying to not care about the personae I project or that my blog projects. I am not worrying about a cohesiveness of content. I trying to let the personality of my blog evolve without having a pre-conceived idea about what kind of blog it is. So all this has been on my mind and its SO helpful to be able to listen to and participate in this discussion. It encourages me to keep doing what I am doing
Hi, Nice to meet you. I have been reading your blog for a few years and love your pictures.
I have a little lifestyleblog myself and I looking forward to follow yours.
Have a nice day
I follow your blog since a year and I find it great to learn a bit more about you! I am not a blogger , only reader :) Thank you! You make me smile :)
Love the new design!!! And I’m a photographer and have come to find out that putting a little personal mixed in with work helps people get to know you a little better! I’m not too personal on my blog but am trying to connect more with more people so I’ve gotten more personal and it has helped!
Wow, hello Jackie.
Nice to meet you. Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your experience with me.
You are very talented. Keep up the good work.
I’ve been a follower of your blog for a while, just love the creativity you show through the pictures. For me I’m generally a private person – despite the fact that I have the blog which in turn does the opposite! I found my blog helps me to share a little more about my life and myself.
Wow, does this ever hit home!
I too have been blogging for five years. On the subject of dogs (two breeds specifically). I love them, but the on-line field has become SO crowded with other people creating FB pages, tumblrs, Instagrams, etc., about their own dogs (or others of the same breed) that what I do simply isn’t as original anymore.
It’s time to change things up, and it’s been a while in coming. Tough to say it out loud, though!
Привет Ради, стане ли въпрос да открия нещо свежо, модерно и най-вече красиво, минавам от тук.
Някъде в ъгълчетата на блоговете ни, прозират мислите и дори душите ни. Харесва ми идеята да споделяме повече за себе си и да бъдем повече жени отколкото блогърки.
Поздрави от Краконош и мен.