Pretty Dinnerware Collection by “Heath Ceramics” ♥ Красив комплект за хранене от “Heath Ceramics”
This pretty tableware set is created from the collaboration between the San Francisco-based studio Heath Ceramics and the textile designer Natalie Chanin. “Alabama Chanin” is a very delicate collection pink, blue and cocoa variation as well as tea towels in pastel colors.
Този красив комплект за хранене е дело на студиото от Сан Франциско Heath Ceramics и текстилната дизайнерка Natalie Chanin. “Alabama Chanin” e много нежна колекция в розова, синя и какаова вариация и кърпи в пастелни цветове.
{ images: heath ceramics }
o how lovely…
Adorable! I could always spend fortunes on dinnerware!!
these are lovely to mix and match and update a dinner table for Spring.
<3 Kate
i've met alabama chanin last year and she's my ultimate godess. whatever she does is magic. so is this tableware. really delicate and lovely.
wow! so beautiful!
Those are amazing! I would love to have one of those. They look really strong and yet smooth. Thanks for sharing!