The White Home of Lotta Agaton // Белият дом на Лота Агатон
The home of the Swedish interior stylist Lotta Agaton was featured in the latest issue of Residence magazine. Her love of white, black and natural materials is quite visible in those lovely pictures taken by Pia Ulin. In every room you can see great prints and lots of plants.
Домът на интериорната стилистка от Швеция Лота Агатон е включен в последното издание на списание Residence. Предпочитанията и към черното и бялото и естествените материали откровено изпъкват в страхотните снимки направени от Пиа Улин. Във всяка стая отделно могат да се забележат чудесни принтове и много растения.
images: Pia Ulin
I love white, black and light wood!
I really love that living room, I don't think I could ever be bold enough to have my whole house be black and white, but I do like the look! I love your blog!
Holly {Blacksburg, VA Wedding Photographer}
I predicted this would happen years ago, and no one listened or they just mocked, saying it was impossible, but this is just the start. Why are you even commenting on the ifs and buts and whys, WITHOUT even mentioning white home in your posts, which are the FACTUAL catalyst to having to spend our last days living in upturned milk crates, eating insects out of each other's hair. This is not an exaggeration.More Info