Artist spot: Sveta Dorosheva ♥ Из портфолиото на Света Дорошева
Sveta Dorosheva is a talented artist, interested in illustration and typography. She has a very unique style, mixture of these two.
Sveta believes that all dead people continue their lives as flowers. This inspired her to create this pretty set of illustrations where flowers talk about their previous lives as people.
“I was a princess. I was tormented by haughtiness and avarice. once a foreign prince asked my hand in marriage, and I rejected him like all other suitors. Bidding me farewell, he gave me a luxurious necklace with a winding mechanical goldbird and a huge amethyst. The necklace was poisoned.”
“I was a schoolteacher of math. Once I slipped on oil spilled by the pupils at the class entrance – and broke my glasses. After work I crossed the road and didn’t see the car… I am glad to be through with all that.”
“I was a street tightrope walker, but once I fell down.”
“I remember myself an old woman, grumpy and forsaken. My only company for the last years of my life was a grumpy and forsaken cat. I often reminisce him..”
“I was an exotic dancer. Once I stepped onto a scorpion.”
Света Дорошева е талантлив артист, който се интересува преди всичко от илюстрация и типография. Има много оригинален стил, в който преплита тези две свои увлечения.
Света вярва, че умрелите хора се прераждат в цветя. Това я вдъхновява да направи тази поредица от илюстрации, в която цветята говорят за предишния си живот като хора.
Много са красиви и интересни :)
She has a very unique style…absolutely talented!
Have a lovely weekend my dear friend.
Cheers: Evi
What a great resource!