I wanted to tell you a story about the most wonderful blue floor in the whole world. Actually this is the hair studio called “Hair Collective” in downtown San Francisco. I spent one hour with the amazing George and James and when I left I started to wonder about existential questions like – are we born stylish or the style is something that you learn later. Does the taste depend on the environment surrounded you or did your parents teach you how to be stylish?
I don’t know the answer of those questions, but I think if there is somebody born with an amazing aesthetic skills – George and James would be the perfect example. From the shoes to their hair salon, the behavior that they have… everything there speaks – style, style, beautiful.OK, now tell me please what are your thoughts about that? Are we born stylish or the environment, friends and parents teach us this?
photography: radostina
I think, we are born stylish…You can’t learn it, you have it in the blood :)
Hello Radostina, I think we are born with some sense of style and our environment plays a big role in where we hone it.
I am so glad you are back, I love the details of your photography and your interesting perspective in your stories, you are a true original,
welcome back.
i think, that as usual, is a combination of both of them…
p.s. nice to meet you Radostina! we are neighbours – i m writing you from greece!
Я думаю – либо стиль у тебя в крови, либо его нет. Научиться этому невозможно. Я знаю нескольких людей, которые обучались стилю и тп и тд, и как бы они не старались – я знаю что они ошибаются и им никогда не стать по настоящему стильными. И родители – я думаю они могут сыграть свою роль, но все же – либо стиль есть либо его нет, все таки главное – в самом человеке.
I am the most unfeminine woman yet my girls are both feminine and stylish. They are very different…one is artsy (, the other is academic. They can’t be a product of their environment, it must be something you are just born with.
I think we are born stylish, but experiences help us growing our style! By the way best floor in the world *-*
I agree with carol and The Queen of Dreaming …… in my 56 years of life I experienced it over and over again that people from the same family and background show completely different styles right from the start. I think we have a “genetic-style-disposition” so to say.
What an amazing blog by the way…