My Dreamt Cuba ♥ Моята мечтана Куба
If someone asks me where I want to go… without any thinking even for a moment, I will answer: Cuba. For me this is the strangest and at the same time the cutest place in the whole world.
Full of happy people – that’s how I imagine this country. And I think that’s how one of the most talented wedding photographer, Jose Villa presents Cuba to us.
So I revealed what is one of my dream locations to visit – Cuba, where is yours?
Aко някой ме попита къде бих искала да отида… без да се замисля ще отговоря: Куба! За мен това е най-странното и най-симпатичното място на земята. Пълно с щастливи хора. :)
Така си ги представям, така и ги представя един от най-талантливите сватбени фотографи – Хосе Вила.
Ако за мен Куба е мечтано място, кое е вашето?
That's my dream place too!
Да видя пак Барселона… Но да мога да обходя всяка една самотна уличка :)
Hi.. Just some thoughts on your post..
First, I love the pictures, thank you for posting.. They are haunting..
Second, while the people are kind, and Cuba is beautiful – it's a country of people who've been oppressed for decades. They don't have the personal freedom to start their own business, or say the things they want to say, or just be their own person.. Internet just became available to them recently, they've lived under the dictatorship of a government run by Castro for years & it's heartbreaking to look at where Cuba was in the 50's and where it is today..The movie, the Lost City is one of the best movies I've seen on Cuba and accurately shows what's been lost & what Cuba could have been.. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's a perfect picture of the cuban culture, and what Cuba was really like..
My family is Cuban, and I do agree it's definitely one of the most beautiful, vibrant cultures.. However the classic Cuban culture isn't found in Cuba like it once was.. Cuba is now a haunting picture of what it used to be..The dictatorship of Fidel has been tragic.
I'd love to visit Sweden. And for some reason Iceland, even though I know nothing about it, I just feel it is a beautiful place. And also India, New Zealand, and I'd LOVE to go back to Guatemala. I spend 3 weeks there once and it changed by life.
I've been to Cuba! It's gorgeous :) I hope you get to go one day! xo
hi .lovely blog
from chile!!!!
Cuba is definitely on my list although I have to say I don't imagine it as too happy place… Maybe once upon a time. I still do want to travel there that's for sure!
I have such a long list of places I would like traveling to, many Asian countries and also the far North Scandinavians.
At the very moment the top place on my list is Italy!!